This module aims to provide an overview on common practices in managing public health data. We will review common health data sources, data collection methodologies which may result to different data types, then discuss the main steps of the data management cycle - from design of a study, an information or surveillance system, collection, extractions, entry, manipulation, summarization, analysis, visualization, and interpretation and data use.
We will review common practices of data handling using Spreadsheet programs e.g., using MSExcel, Calc, Google Sheets for basic data management such as dealing with missing data, detecting and correcting outliers and errors, joining/merging files, summarizing and visualization. Discussing their pros and cons, then briefly introduce the benefits of using reproducible approaches when managing data. Details of these approaches and tools will be learnt in other Modules.
The module contains hands-on practicals and class activities in order to put the theoretical knowledge into practice.
This section is expected to take a maximum of 2 hours split into three steps:
Most activities for this module will be done during the session, however, as we are proceeding to other modules/sessions with more hands on activities, participants are encouraged to practice in their spare time to master skills and improve learning outcomes.
Let’s revisit and refresh on a few terminologies commonly referred to when talking about public health and data.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its 1948 constitution as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (WHO Constitution, 1948)
Public Health
The “art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts of society” (Acheson, 1988; WHO)
The “the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals.” (CEA Winslow, CDC)
The revised definition (by CDC) has some additional terms: Science and informed choices. Let’s look at few of them:
What is Science?
Several definitions exist, a common one includes … the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.
What is an informed choice?
Now it unfolds to the core components:
Facts or a collection of facts about something that can be used for reasoning, decision-making or planning, e.g., for public health. Once processed, organised and put into context data can be used generate information that offers great input during the decision-making process, to draw conclusions and make predictions.
Public health (surveillance) data
Data that can be used to evaluate impact or monitor progress e.g., of a health program or interventions, give information that helps to determine appropriate public health interventions, to determine populations at risk, where to target interventions, to determine success, gaps, challenges, guide public policy and practices.
Data management
Refers to the entire process from the time the data is captured/collected to the point it is utilized for the decision-making process.
See Figure 1.
Looking at this Figure, we are saying, in other words, Data Management is everything that supports a programs/projects “data lifecycle” steps; the architectures, policies, practices and procedures to take you to the Use of Data for Action.
We will come back to this later.
Public health data may originate from various sources including the following:
No matter where your data comes from, always be sure to check that it is of good quality - valid, complete, and clean - before analyzing and utilizing.
Data plays a vital part in health research and practice. Properly managed health data will help to provide us with unbiased information.
Where available, public health data may be useful to provide understanding on the health status of the population, patterns and trends of diseases, assess if interventions put in place are working and guide practical and policy decisions.
Important questions public health data can be used to answer include the following:
Due to heterogeneity in nature of data journey, sources, methods of collection, and volume, public health data encounter a number of constraints which may influence its utilization.
These are sometime referred to as Data quality dimensions and may include but not limited to the following attributes:
Lets explore a bit about Big data.
Main characteristics include:
Other features includes Veracity - the quality of the data, the accuracy, do we have it all? And lastly, Value - do we have the ability to transform these mountains of data into useful information for use?
Take note of these characteristics when discussing a need for real-time surveillance data, daily, weekly vs. its management.
Arguments that it is better to have minimal useful data in real time and best utilized than lots of data at a low speed and poorly utilized. Your choice!
As the data grows bigger, more advanced skills and tools are required to manage it.
Data management is a process with various steps.
Let’s re-visit the previous graphical presentation of the Data Management Cycle.
The process begins with Study design (incl Protocol, tools and databases) and continues until the time you share/communicate the outputs from your analysis. These outputs aim to provide the end-users information that is an essential input ingredient for action or decision making process.
Steps in the middle including collection procedures, cleaning/validation, organizing (creating metadata, new variables) and quality control checks, storage, security (confidentiality, protection/access) sub-setting, sharing protocols/agreements, are equally important.
Data organization and analysis is usually guided by the objectives.
When presenting and interpreting results/information generated from data, take note of the audience. Packaging and repackaging is crucial.
The main goal of managing your data is to generate information that will provide useful and likely sufficient evidence that gives accurate and needed knowledge to the right audience for the purpose of answering the research/policy questions or guide the decisions needed to have effective surveillance system.
This sub-section will focus on a few common practices used during data manipulation using Microsoft Excel program.
Why we think this is important:
There is evidence that MSExcel is the most used tool for managing data (visualize and analyze) by the malaria control program’ M&E officers and some MoH/HMIS officers in many countries. May be less for researchers (SPSS, STATA)
Some tasks need to be performed either repetitively or for many units (districts, health facilities, annually, monthly, etc)
Some tasks require managing very large data, multiple datasets and manipulating large number of indicators
MAP is aiming to build (spatial) capacities and strengthen analytical skills to; NMCPs, researchers and students, in particular, those working in malaria endemic countries.
Spreadsheets are great tools for data management and may be sufficient to perform several anatyical tasks - have distinct functionalities.
We would like to build skills in using an alternative tool with different set of distinct functionalities.
The file routine_data.csv (within Data in your folders) contains simulated routine malaria cases for a certain Fakeland. Files (with extension *.csv) can be opened using MSExcel program.
The data contains monthly facility-based reported tested and confirmed malaria cases for under fives and adults (over 5s) populations for year 2018. The file has a total of 1200 observations, with a total of 7 Admin 1 and 46 Admin2 units, and 100 health facilities.
Task 1 (Individual - 5 mins)
- Open the file
- you may use MSExcel or any other software you wish- Explore the data, variables, values - missingness, outliers, typos, errors
- Check the names of adm1, adm2
- Check year
Feedback: Class plenary discussion (5 mins)
- What software did the participants used to read and explore the data?
- What observations were found?
- Any errors, mistakes that are obvious? Any outlying records?
Task 1: Compiled steps using MSExcel
Solution to Task 1 using R scripts
# Use the function `read_csv()` to read the file dat0 <- read_csv("data/routine_data.csv") # only the path to the folder 'data' is provided since the entire >pipeline is organized in a 'Project' # To see the full path use the function `getwd()` # Explore the data (call the object/name assigned) using functions `str()`, `head()` and `summary()` str(dat0)
## spec_tbl_df [1,200 × 17] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) ## $ adm1 : chr [1:1200] "West" "West" "West" "West" ... ## $ adm2 : chr [1:1200] "Bamakiary" "Bamakiary" "Bamakiary" "Bamakiary" ... ## $ hf : num [1:1200] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ... ## $ month : chr [1:1200] "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" ... ## $ year : num [1:1200] 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 ... ## $ test_u5 : num [1:1200] 289 178 41 NA 95 108 121 299 323 526 ... ## $ test_rdt_u5 : num [1:1200] 279 175 40 129 93 105 118 293 317 514 ... ## $ test_mic_u5 : num [1:1200] 127 87 13 49 28 38 46 73 73 76 ... ## $ conf_u5 : num [1:1200] 204 92 36 69 64 42 93 175 174 259 ... ## $ conf_rdt_u5 : num [1:1200] 201 90 35 68 62 41 87 171 171 252 ... ## $ conf_mic_u5 : num [1:1200] 9 4 2 3 4 2 6 6 6 12 ... ## $ test_ov5 : num [1:1200] 317 193 45 137 101 115 134 352 394 684 ... ## $ test_rdt_ov5: num [1:1200] 137 73 25 66 57 58 66 229 265 540 ... ## $ test_mic_ov5: num [1:1200] 63 36 8 25 18 22 25 56 62 80 ... ## $ conf_ov5 : num [1:1200] 272 104 47 79 83 49 108 335 391 554 ... ## $ conf_rdt_ov5: num [1:1200] 255 97 44 74 77 46 101 321 374 525 ... ## $ conf_mic_ov5: num [1:1200] 11 5 2 3 4 2 7 12 14 24 ... ## - attr(*, "spec")= ## .. cols( ## .. adm1 = col_character(), ## .. adm2 = col_character(), ## .. hf = col_double(), ## .. month = col_character(), ## .. year = col_double(), ## .. test_u5 = col_double(), ## .. test_rdt_u5 = col_double(), ## .. test_mic_u5 = col_double(), ## .. conf_u5 = col_double(), ## .. conf_rdt_u5 = col_double(), ## .. conf_mic_u5 = col_double(), ## .. test_ov5 = col_double(), ## .. test_rdt_ov5 = col_double(), ## .. test_mic_ov5 = col_double(), ## .. conf_ov5 = col_double(), ## .. conf_rdt_ov5 = col_double(), ## .. conf_mic_ov5 = col_double() ## .. ) ## - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr>
## # A tibble: 6 × 17 ## adm1 adm2 hf month year test_u5 test_rdt_u5 test_mic_u5 conf_u5 ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 West Bamakiary 6 Jan 2018 289 279 127 204 ## 2 West Bamakiary 6 Feb 2018 178 175 87 92 ## 3 West Bamakiary 6 Mar 2018 41 40 13 36 ## 4 West Bamakiary 6 Apr 2018 NA 129 49 69 ## 5 West Bamakiary 6 May 2018 95 93 28 64 ## 6 West Bamakiary 6 Jun 2018 108 105 38 42 ## # … with 8 more variables: conf_rdt_u5 <dbl>, conf_mic_u5 <dbl>, ## # test_ov5 <dbl>, test_rdt_ov5 <dbl>, test_mic_ov5 <dbl>, conf_ov5 <dbl>, ## # conf_rdt_ov5 <dbl>, conf_mic_ov5 <dbl>
## adm1 adm2 hf month ## Length:1200 Length:1200 Min. : 1.00 Length:1200 ## Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 25.75 Class :character ## Mode :character Mode :character Median : 50.50 Mode :character ## Mean : 50.50 ## 3rd Qu.: 75.25 ## Max. :100.00 ## ## year test_u5 test_rdt_u5 test_mic_u5 ## Min. : 18 Min. :-9999.00 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.00 ## 1st Qu.:2018 1st Qu.: 81.25 1st Qu.: 84.0 1st Qu.: 18.00 ## Median :2018 Median : 136.00 Median :138.0 Median : 34.00 ## Mean :2008 Mean : 35.13 Mean :164.7 Mean : 47.36 ## 3rd Qu.:2018 3rd Qu.: 222.00 3rd Qu.:224.5 3rd Qu.: 61.00 ## Max. :3018 Max. : 702.00 Max. :702.0 Max. :381.00 ## NA's :22 ## conf_u5 conf_rdt_u5 conf_mic_u5 test_ov5 ## Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.0 ## 1st Qu.: 48.0 1st Qu.: 47.0 1st Qu.: 0.000 1st Qu.: 88.0 ## Median : 82.0 Median : 81.0 Median : 1.000 Median :147.0 ## Mean :104.2 Mean :103.1 Mean : 2.507 Mean :180.9 ## 3rd Qu.:141.0 3rd Qu.:140.0 3rd Qu.: 3.000 3rd Qu.:245.0 ## Max. :552.0 Max. :551.0 Max. :51.000 Max. :831.0 ## NA's :2 ## test_rdt_ov5 test_mic_ov5 conf_ov5 conf_rdt_ov5 ## Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.00 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.0 ## 1st Qu.: 46.0 1st Qu.: 11.75 1st Qu.: 61.0 1st Qu.: 59.0 ## Median : 82.0 Median : 20.50 Median :104.0 Median :100.0 ## Mean :112.1 Mean : 25.88 Mean :139.1 Mean :133.9 ## 3rd Qu.:147.2 3rd Qu.: 36.00 3rd Qu.:190.2 3rd Qu.:184.0 ## Max. :802.0 Max. :133.00 Max. :729.0 Max. :715.0 ## ## conf_mic_ov5 ## Min. : 0.000 ## 1st Qu.: 1.000 ## Median : 2.000 ## Mean : 3.765 ## 3rd Qu.: 4.000 ## Max. :86.000 ##
# Tabulate unique records for adm1, adm2 and year - note of various ways to get the output with(dat0, table(unique(adm1)))
## ## central Central East N. Coast North Coast Plains ## 1 1 1 1 1 1 ## West ## 1
## [1] "Bamakiary" "Bonmi" "Buoadara" "Buseli" "Bwiziwo" ## [6] "Cadagudeey" "Cakure" "Caya" "Dakoga" "Gakingo" ## [11] "Galkashiikh" "Gotou" "Guinikoto" "Kanyabare" "Kanyemfya" ## [16] "Kidobar" "Kokam" "Lalaba" "Lamanya" "Laoye" ## [21] "Lastouni" "Mabangata" "Madinbinda" "Makabondo" "Malemkolela" ## [26] "Marandre" "Mbidima" "Mbono" "Namaba" "Niaya" ## [31] "Othasii" "Rumoni" "Siabakala" "Siago" "Tangue" ## [36] "Tchimari" "Ushiranga" "Winnedua" "Yagoloko" "Yakos" ## [41] "Yenagbo" "Yorolesse" "Youko" "Yumka" "Zikishi" ## [46] "Zila"
with(dat0, table(unique(year)))
## ## 18 2018 3018 ## 1 1 1
dat0 %>% group_by(year) %>% count(year)
## # A tibble: 3 × 2 ## # Groups: year [3] ## year n ## <dbl> <int> ## 1 18 12 ## 2 2018 1176 ## 3 3018 12
Scanning through the data variables (see the outputs of the functions
used in the Solution using R script summary()
with(dat0, table(unique(adm1)))
dat0 %>% group_by(year) %>% count(year)
) we have
observed the following:
Some of these seems like obvious errors/typos and can be easily corrected.
To do this in a spreadsheet we can for instance apply Find and Replace”* or filter options to the data and the variable with mistakes (at least to avoid searching the entire file) then do the needed corrections.
Task 2 (Group - 10 mins)
Team: Form a group of 4 participants to work on the task.
Activity: Using the file
- Explore the data, variables, values - missingness, outliers, typos, errors
- Check the names of adm1, adm2, and year
- Correct the records with obvious mistakes/errors in these variables
- In the variable test_u5 set -9999 values to NAs
- Save the cleaned datafile and name it routine_data_clean.csv or you may opt to Save As MSExcel file >(.xls/.xlsxl.
Feedback: Two (2) groups will be called to demonstrate (5mins)
Solution to Task 2 using R scripts
## Read the file dat0 <- read_csv("data/routine_data.csv") ## Convert the variable "month" to an ordered factor dat0$month <- factor(dat0$month, levels = # Note: There is in R a variable called ## Clean the names of adm1, year records, create date variable dat1 <- dat0 %>% mutate(adm1 = recode(adm1, "N. Coast" = "North Coast", "central" = "Central"), year = recode(year, '3018' = 2018, '18' = 2018)) %>% unite(date, year, month, sep = "-", remove = F) %>% mutate(date = ymd(parse_date_time(date, "ym"))) ## Clean the missing values to have a common format (*-9999* or *NA*) dat1$test_u5[dat1$test_u5 == -9999] <-NA ## Save the file as new data with name *routine_data_clean.csv* using the `write_csv()` function write_csv(dat1, "data/routine_data_clean.csv") #View(dat1)
Task 2: Compiled steps using MSExcel
Sometimes you may need to summarise/aggregate your data to specific groups or categories of age, sex, adm1, adm2 or monthly to allow you to perform specific tabulations or visualizations.
In Spreadsheet/MSExcel Pivot Tables can be applied to perform such tasks, then save the summarized tables either as separate files or add in a new sheet in the existing MSExcel file. Note: the .csv. file may need to be converted to .xls. to allow adding formulas (retaining), multiple sheets, plots/charts
Task 3 (Group - 15 mins)
Team: Same groups of 4 people.
Activity: Using the file
- Aggregate the data by the following
- adm1 (name: aggreg_adm1)
- adm2 (name aggreg_adm2)
- months (name aggreg_monthly)
- Either save these as separate files OR Add them as new sheet to your data
Task 4 (Group - 10 mins)
Using the files/sheets
, andaggreg_adm1
- Create new variables as follows
- total_tested which is a SUM of test_u5 and test_ov5
- total_conf which is a SUM of conf_u5 and conf_ov5
Feedback: Two (2) groups will be called to demonstrate (5mins)
Tasks 3 and 4: Compiled steps using MSExcel
Solution to Tasks 3 and 4 using R scripts
dat1 <- read_csv("data/routine_data_clean.csv") ggplot(data = dat1, aes(x=test_u5, y=conf_u5, color= month)) + geom_point()
# Main file dat1 <- dat1 %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(total_tested = sum(test_u5, test_ov5, na.rm = TRUE), total_conf = sum(conf_u5, conf_ov5, na.rm = TRUE )) # Quick plots boxplot(dat1$total_conf ~ dat1$adm1)
# Aggregate at adm 1 and save the output file dat_adm1 <- dat1 %>% group_by(adm1) %>% summarise(total_tested = sum(test_u5, test_ov5, na.rm = TRUE), total_conf = sum(conf_u5, conf_ov5, na.rm = TRUE )) write_csv(dat_adm1, "data/aggreg_adm1.csv") # Aggregate at adm 2 and save the output file dat_adm2 <- dat1 %>% group_by(adm2) %>% summarise(total_tested = sum(test_u5, test_ov5, na.rm = TRUE), total_conf = sum(conf_u5, conf_ov5, na.rm = TRUE )) write_csv(dat_adm2, "data/aggreg_adm2.csv") # Aggregate monhtly and save the output file dat_months <- dat1 %>% group_by(month) %>% summarise(total_tested = sum(test_u5, test_ov5, na.rm = TRUE), total_conf = sum(conf_u5, conf_ov5, na.rm = TRUE )) write_csv(dat_months, "data/aggreg_monthly.csv")
The summarized/aggregated files now can be used to create needed Summary Table
Table 1: Total Confirmed Cases at Admin1
Solution to Making a Summary Table for a selected Indicator using R scripts
adm1 | total_conf |
Central | 70308 |
East | 63603 |
North Coast | 59373 |
Plains | 31081 |
West | 67543 |
The file population.csv includes adm2 population statistics for Under5s(u5s), adults(ov5) and the all ages(total) for the year 2018. The columns in this file include adm1, adm2, pop_u5, pop_ov5 and pop_total. So ideally, we need to have the pop_ columns aligned with the right administration units in the file with the surveillance data.
We would like to merge this population statistics to our main cleaned dataset routine_data_clean.csv or the aggregate dataset aggreg_adm2.csv for further manipulation e.g., calculating crude incidence rates.
To do that in a MSExcel we can use functions such as VLOOUP, INDEX & MATCH or apply Power query.
Depending on where the our population.csv files is saved, the Syntax generated has to ensure it reads the correct file path or sheet.
Lets do this task with the cleaned file
Task 5 (Group - 15 mins)
Team: Same groups of 4 people.
Activity: Using the files/sheets
: - merge the two files to have the population statistics in the same file as the incidence data
Solution to Task 5 using R scripts
Details of how you build these scripts will be taught in next sessions of this course.
Tasks 5: Compiled steps using MSExcel
To be able to assess the monthly or temporal trend of an indicator, a subset/summarised table need to be prepared.
This process in Spreadsheet will include combining multiple steps such as Pivot table by month, save the table in a separate file/sheet, making the plot (based on the available options) then see how the months will be ordered to a proper calendar order and not alphabetically.
In cases where Pivot table seems to be less convenient, another software could be used to summarise the data, then move it back to MSExcel for plotting.
There had been instances where the Summary tables are produced manually.
In case several summarizations/visuals are needed, the task has to be done repeatedly.
Plotting monthly trend for selected indicator using R scripts
Similarly if one needs to assess the pattern of selected indicators by adm1 or adm2 of age group, a subset of a summarised data needs to be prepared, then plotted.
Some spreadsheet (most updated versions) can be used to generate simple maps showing spatial distribution of your indicators. However, that requires preparing the data to an exact format needed for the plot - hence one has to go through the Pivoting process or other means of aggregating the data e.g., at adm1 or adm2 level then generate the maps.
Tasks takes longer if spatial patterns have to be assessed for multiple dimensions e.g., age groups (u5/ov5), annually, monthly.
Tasks may be impossible if spatial patterns need to be assessed at finer resolutions. Processing of shapefiles and polygons is not entirely incorporated in Spreadsheets. Other mapping software such as ArcGIS or QGIS may be useful.
Task 6 (Group - 15 mins)
Team: Same groups of 4 people.
Activity:Using the files
- Using MSExcel, make a barplot of the total_tested and total_conf for adm1 and adm2 in a descending >order total_tested .
- Customize the plot for the colour, format, labels, etc as you wish
- Save the chart/figure in a image format of your choice to allow it to be used in a report.
Solution to Task 6 using R scripts
# Read the adm2 aggregaed data dat_adm2 <- read_csv("data/aggreg_adm2.csv") # bar plots with change of data format from wide to long # with selection of color palettes dat_adm2 %>% tidyr::pivot_longer( cols = total_tested:total_conf, names_to = "group", values_to = "counts" ) %>% mutate(group2 = factor(group, levels = c('total_tested', 'total_conf'))) %>% ggplot(aes(x=reorder(adm2, -counts), y=counts, fill= group2)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) + # scale_fill_brewer(palette="Reds") + scale_fill_manual(values=c('black','gray60')) + labs(fill = "Indicator", x= "Adm2") + #scale_fill_manual(values = c('darkgrey', 'firebrick')) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
An extra step
Making overall and monthly maps of incidence rates using R scripts
# Reading the Fakeland shapefile + join with the incidence_dm2_popn data
fak.shp <- st_read("shapefiles/FAK_HDs.shp", quiet = T) %>%
left_join(dat_adm2_popn,by =c("adm2"))
ggplot(fak.shp) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = crude_inc_total), color = "transparent") +
#scale_fill_viridis_c("Cases per 1000 PYO", trans = "sqrt") +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "B", trans = "pseudo_log", breaks = c(100,1000,510000, 50000)) +
labs(title = "Raw incidence 2018 at Admin2 level", subtitle = "All age") +
theme_void() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.key.width = unit(1.5, "cm"))
fak.shp_m <- st_read("shapefiles/FAK_HDs.shp", quiet = T) %>%
left_join(dat1,by =c("adm2")) %>%
left_join(popn,by =c("adm2")) %>%
mutate(month = factor(month, levels =,
total_tested = sum(test_u5, test_ov5, na.rm = TRUE),
total_conf = sum(conf_u5, conf_ov5, na.rm = TRUE ),
crude_inc_total = (total_conf/pop_total)* 12 *1000)
ggplot(fak.shp_m) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = crude_inc_total), color = "transparent") +
#scale_fill_viridis_c("Cases per 1000 PYO", trans = "sqrt") +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "B", trans = "pseudo_log", breaks = c(100,1000,510000, 50000)) +
labs(title = "Raw incidence 2018 at Admin2 level", subtitle = "All age") +
theme_void() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.key.width = unit(1.5, "cm"))+
Class plenary discussion
Some guiding questions:
Which of the methods would you prefer using when presenting your data e.g., in a report
A. What is GOOD about it?
B. What may NOT be GOOD about it?
Several online tutorials available online to teach you advanced concepts to use spreadsheets.
Data carpentry
[] - a free module on how to manage data using spreadsheets.
Note - If you feel comfortable working with Spreadsheets that is completely fine - If it annoys you that is also fine - challenge yourself and learn something NEW!
Alternative software and tools for managing data
The Figure below presented selected software recorded to be commonly used to manipulate, analyse, visualize, explore data
Map making
R/RStudio and QGIS will be taught in detail from Module 2 of the course.